Colourful Adventures

Defying its popular perception as a routine and economical option for everyday stationery, Luxor wanted to reach out to a section of its mass audience—children. For a brand that sells throughout the geographical and socio-economic spectrum of a country as diverse as India, visual literacy was an important consideration to be taken into account.

Playful new packaging graphics for Luxor’s colours for children were created with animals as a theme. This theme finds resonance in both local folklore and urban media. Animals such as lions, monkeys and elephants are as common in traditional Indian folktales such as the Panchatantra, Hitopdesha and Jataka Stories as they are in contemporary games and cartoons. For children all over India, regardless of their background, these are well-known an well-loved characters in stories that they hear, watch or read.

Details of illustration from packaging

Illustration: Priya Kuriyan